Here I'm Searching for a New Wife
This page is for single ladies only!
I'm a man of company. I never learned how to live and enjoy life as a single man. Nearly most of my adult life I was married and had a family. Despite more than 10 years as a divorced man, I still feel something is missing (Genesis 2:18).

It takes a lot of courage to abandon home, family and friends in order to start a new life in a new country with a new man. The lady I'm seeking must be brave, flexible, open-minded. And short, 164 Cm (5'4") or shorter. All that stuff about flowers, candle-light dinners with occasional drink, walks in green forest or hot sand etc. go without saying. Since we will not be boss and secretary to be meeting only during office hours, I hope she has a figure she's not ashamed of, with or without clothes, not wider than myself. That's it! I've seen enough of women who were afraid of looking into a mirror. That's irritating. I'm fed up with totally unfriendly, impossible and stupid persons who just wasted my time.
If YOU don't LIKE your figure, how can you expect ME to love it?!?!?!

I have no time or interest in my present life for any prejudices, inhibitions or religious fanatism. No matter how "correct" and distinguished I am in my social life, I am NEVER conservative, narrow-minded or shy in my private life. Do you have the Bibel at home? Read Genesis 2:25! This is mainly why I am still alone. Silly, huh?

It's not important what language you speak. If you can't learn mine, I learn to speak yours. You may be white, black, yellow, brown or in-between. The shape and volume of the skin is more important than its colour. For the same reasons, you may be as young as 35 (my vanity!), but also up to 50. The only thing that scares me is some parts "hanging". I'm not so "well hung" myself. :-) It's OK if you have 1 (one) small child. I'm too old for more. It's a plus if you are PC-literate, but you MUST like photography and travelling. Among our other hobbies, I'm sure we'll have no problems in finding many common interests we'll enjoy talking about or doing together. We may develop deep love in time or not. Mutual affection, understanding and respect, however, are essential from the very beginning.

Since you are reading this page now, you already know 'almost' everything about me. If you'd be interested in finding out what chances we might have, don't hesitate to send me an E-Mail message. If you prefer regular mail, you'll find my home address and even my phone number in another page. In any case, remember to give me your full name, home address and e-mail address if you have, your birthdate and phone number, your stature. Plus anything more you want to tell me in your first letter. Be open minded.
If we start a relation with hiding things, where do we end?

We CAN know each other and feel affection or even sexual attraction through our letters. However, a true feeling of compassion and a desire to share love and life can only come after the meeting of the eyes, face to face. Since we'll probably want to live in my country, you must be interested in a trip to Sweden for our first meeting. I am the friendly friend (!): safe, sober and fun to be with. Even if you will not consider a possible personal relation with me, but would like to take a trip to Sweden if you had a friend to visit and a home to stay, you have both here. Be my guest! My home is open for any open-minded lady who comes to me as a friend. Well, this is not so unselfish as it sounds: I can always use some practice in speaking French, Russian, Polish or even Tagalog, Twi.
I'm glad that you are number
to visit me since Oct 1, 1999
Nothing for you here? No sweat! Just visit

Black List?
Volgograd - She simply got literally crazy and stupid, much to my regret.
Riga - She is a thief, stealing small, silly things. No way...
Kiev - Beautiful, but just dishonest and cheat. Still married she was, too.
St. Petersburg - No dignity, no shame. Stealing and DRUNK all the time.
St. Petersburg - She wanted a free holiday offering her body. Was worth it, anyway!
Daugavpils - Oh, my God! So flat and ugly. What was it she had there?
Reserved- I hope this line will remain empty forever
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