First a little about time:
When you have lived and worked so long as I have, you certainly develop a lot of interests. In youth, you have the time (and energy) to do anything you want, but your scope is limited. You focus on few areas at a time: getting an education, having a family or working hard to provide for them. The irony is that when you are burned out trying to give them what you think they need they no longer need you. You are left alone. Obviously, somewhere along the way, long ago, they got what they wanted, but forgot to tell you.
When you are over 50 and left alone, you suddenly want to do all the nice things you'd like to do, but didn't have time before. Surprize! You don't have time now, either! Where is the "time"? Nothing seems to be as you expected. There just isn't enough time for anything. Can anybody tell me where I can get or buy a day with 27 hours or a week with 9 days? Once again, you focus on a few areas of personal interest. Like...
- Anita
My anchor in windy sea of life. The best thing that happened to me in the last 10 years! Better friend than my ex-wife ever was. I owe her my sanity. And a lot more...
- Food
I'm food technologist. Engineer, degree and all. Deep-freezing of fruits and vegetables, food quality control. Research and production work. Time for something new?
- Photography
Good amateur. I just invested in cameras when I discovered that crayon or brush was not for me. I dont care so much for good artistic pictures. I just snap the moment to keep memories.
- Computers, PC, and software
PC literate and at home with (almost) all WINDOWS software. Nowadays, most time and energy is spent with HTML, Webdesign, JavaScript etc. The PC is also a great asset at my new business line. I know Java is good, but why wait so looooooong to load a page, unless absolutely necessary?
- Languages
I simply love to speak the local language on my trips abroad and I do travel a lot. Makes friendlier contacts. From Spain to Russia. I am also a very good translator, if I may say so myself. Does anybody need anything translated to/from English-Swedish-Turkish?
- Teaching
In schools or private tuition. Taught and lectured in a wariety of areas: home economics (food), languages, quality control (food), PC-usage, MS-DOS and programming, just to name a few.
"As long ago, my love, how long ago..." C. Rosetti

Some Words of Wisdom:
- Please, don't drink and drive.
- Don't forget to hug your kids again today.
- No work or money is worth missing the chance to see your babies growing. Spend time with them. Work at home, for example.
- Don't work too hard to give your wife all you want to give her. By the time you have worn yourself out she won't have you any more. Probably, she got what she wanted somewhere else long time ago, but forgot to tell you.
- No matter what you feel about them, listen to your parents. You may or not have chosen the wrong woman or husband, you may or not want to have children, but your parents were there before you knew it!
- Be good to your neighbors, they might be good to you.
NOW, have a nice day and enjoy your visit....
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