The Editor
What's New!
Any changes?
A CyberZine?
Why I started it
Become A Club Member
Free For Fun!
Oh My God!
* Don't let it happen again!
This Month
ANTEX Art Gallery
Poetry Corner
A Short Story
My Best Friend
Child of the month
Born this month
Reflexions... Impressions... Just a thought.
Midlife? Why Crisis?
Loosing Friends?
Do we have justice?
Press release...
New topic...
New topic...
New topic...
New topic...
New topic...
New Topic...
* ( In Swedish )
Click My Photo
To Send Me E-Mail
Club FF
Letterwriting Help
Happy Endings
Ch at
Me and myself

This is my eldest daughter Josephine. She and her Anders have just got their first baby and she'll celebrate her first birthday as a mother on September 27th. I'd like to come up with something unusual and fun. Why don't you people out there send her a nice card and wish her happy birthday and good luck for her first baby in your own language? Send your cards to this address. I take all the cards to her on her big day. For Josephine, c/o ANTEX, Box 73, 642 22 FLEN, Sweden
Wow, will she be surprized! I am myself excited with the prospect of handing over hundreds of lovely cards to her. Hey, folks! Don't let me down.
This Month's Features
I can't draw, so forget it! How about you? If you like drawing funny things and want to share them with our readers, send us a scanned image or black/white print. I'll reserve a space for them. So far, I'll fill the space with free animated graphics from the Net. |
I have a wish to make a special page for artwork. Are you a painter and want to exhibit your paintings (any kind) on my page, send me the scanned images of them. Give for each painting: size, type, titel and price. Don't forget your own name and contact address. |
ICE-CREAM... Do you know what you're eating?
We've come a long way from the days of mixing snow with fruit juice to the ever popular ice-cream of today. We can choose from several dussin ice-cream sorts in different price levels. Yes, we in Sweden eat most ice-cream in Europe, but what is it we are eating?
Why I start my own Cyber Magazine?
For fun, I could simply say. Why not? I just wanted to have my own place to vent my own ideas. Besides, if any or many people read this, we can make it a nice meeting place to come back to. Yes, it would be nice to know who reads me and from where? |
Become an FF-pal
Why not become a member of the Club? I am hoping you people out there will soon discover this magazine and come back every month. Later, we may have the contributing members and just readers. For now let's settle for a first list of Club FF-pals. C'mon! Let me hear from you. |
Feedback Letters from readers
Every month, I'll chose some of the most interesting and fun letters from our viewers around the world. Let those letters come! Since Club FF is for Family & Friends, tell us your feelings and sweet memories on this topic. I'll edit when needed. |
FF Confidential
Sometimes we get very funny letters with interesting statements. Penpals to penpals. We may laugh or wonder, but are more often just amused. What about that first meeting with a penpal? Share your fun experiences with us. Only your first name and city will appear here, but you must give your full name and address when you write to us.
What's new! Any changes?
Any future news on changes in layout or content of the magazine will be placed here. With a short glance you can also inform you if any updates have been made since you were last here. For this first issue, nothing to report yet. |
Contributions Welcome!
It wasn't easy to fill this test issue of my magazine with material worth reading. Next month I'll have regular # 1 out. Do you have any new ideas and own original material you want to be published here? It can be a poem, short novel; baby or wedding notice; personal ad, humour, cartoon or just a picture of yourself and some short info to let the world know who you are. Not someone else's copyrighted material, thank you. With one minor Condition : All text or picture material must be sent on 1.44 MB PC diskette.
The magazine will be open for everybody to read free of charge. You are free to help my ISP and telephone bills with a US$ 5.00 bill, one-time or any time you want. It will be well needed and appreciated.
P.S.: Though I personally don't mind viewing and reading purely adult material, I don't think we'll have them in this magazine. |